Djalai-Nor tombs

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The Djalai-Nor graves ( Chinese  扎赉 诺尔 古墓 群 , Pinyin Zhālài Nuò'ěr gǔ mùqún , English Jalainur cemetery ), which are also known as the Jalainur cemetery , are located in the independent city of Manjur [Manžur; Chin. Manzhouli], which belongs to the administrative area of ​​the district-free city of Hulun Buir in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of the People's Republic of China , a few kilometers south of the Jalainur mining district ( 扎赉 诺尔 矿区 , Zhālài Nuò'ěr Kuàngqū ).

The graves were discovered in 1959. There are more than three hundred tombs of the Xianbei ( 鲜卑 , Xianbei ), a branch of the Tuoba ( 拓跋 , Xiebei ) from the time of the Eastern Han Dynasty . The graves already sighted contained ample grave goods.

The tombs of Djalai-Nor (Zhalai Nuo'er muqun 扎赉 诺尔 墓群) have been on the list of monuments of the People's Republic of China since 2006 (6-236)

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