Dolmen A Fornela dos Mouros

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Dolmen A Fornela dos Mouros.

The Dolmen A Fornela dos Mouros (also called Dolmen of Aprazadoiro) is located on a mountain slope southeast of Matio, north of Vimianzo in Galicia in Spain .

It is one of the most beautiful megalithic structures in Galicia, is only 1.35 meters high and consists of three relatively thin bearing stones with a large capstone. The complex was built between 2500 and 2000 BC. It is not one of the classic dolmen of the Neolithic Age in the region, but one of the stone boxes ( Spanish como arca megalítica ) of the Bronze Age , similar to the "Caseta de Freáns" further south in the hamlet of Berdoias.

Nearby is the Dombate dolmen .

See also


  • José Manuel Vázquez Varela, Felipe Criado Boado, José María Bello Diéguez: La cultura megalítica de la provincia de La Coruña y sus relaciones con el marco natural. Implicaciones socio-económicas. Diputación Provincial de La Coruña, La Coruña 1987, ISBN 84-86040-21-3 .
  • Pilar Barciela Garrido, Eusebio Rey Seara: Xacementos Arqueoloxicos de Galicia. Guía práctica para visitar e coñecer o patrimonio arqueolóxico galego. Edicións Xerais de Galicia, Vigo 2000, ISBN 84-8302-484-5 .

Web links

Coordinates: 43 ° 10 ′ 3.7 ″  N , 9 ° 0 ′ 26 ″  W.