Domino notation

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The Domino notation is the structured hardware design supporting graphical representation of the hardware description language ABL , the interactive graphical version of the hardware description language KARL . By displaying VLSI layout topologies using structured wiring functions, via slice expressions and layer expressions , Domino notation supports the simultaneous design of digital hardware structures and their structured floorplan layout . When using ABL, domino notation enables the interactive graphic design of wiring structures between module blocks using wiring by abutment by placing such blocks. On the basis of domino notation, the ABL language was implemented as an interactive graphic editor ABLED in the 1980s by the CSELT research center in Turin, Italy, in collaboration with the University of Kaiserslautern .


  • Guglielmo Girardi, Reiner Hartenstein , Udo Welters: ABLED, a RT level Schematics Editor and Simulator interface . Accepted for presentation at the EUROMICRO symposium, Brussels, Belgium, Sept. 1985. University - Department of Computer Science, Kaiserslautern 1985, ( Technical University of Kaiserslautern, Department of Computer Science Internal Report 132, ISSN  0174-416X ).
  • Guglielmo Girardi et al .: KARL (textual) and ABL (graphic). A user / designer interface in microelectronics . In: Max H. Ungerer (Ed.): CAD interfaces and data transfer formats in the electronics sector . Springer-Verlag, Berlin et al. 1987, ISBN 3-540-18544-5 , ( contributions to graphic data processing ).
  • A. Bonomo, G. Girardi, A. Lecce, L. Maggiulli: GENMON. A specialized ABL editor for design methodology descriptions . Proceedings 2nd ABAKUS workshop. Innsbruck, Austria, Sept. 1988.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ R. Hartenstein: Fundamentals of Structured Hardware Design - A Design Language Approach at Register Transfer Level ; North Holland / American Elsevier Amsterdam / New York 1977
  2. ^ R. Hartenstein: The History of KARL and ABL ; in: J. Mermet (editor): Fundamentals and Standards in Hardware Description Languages; Kluwer Academic Publishers, September 1993