Dorothee Häussermann

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Dorothee Häußermann (born 1973 in Cologne ) is a German writer and climate activist.


Häußermann studied literature and worked as a teacher. According to her own statements, she only became politically active relatively late, but after she had increasingly dealt with the extent of the climate crisis and experienced the climate camp in London in 2009, she realized that the crisis could only be resolved in an alliance with others. So she became active in the climate justice movement and got involved with Alle Dörfer sein against the clearing of the Hambach Forest . She appeared as a spokeswoman for the movement at the end of the terrain . She once said of her commitment: “For me it is very stressful to get into conflict with authorities: the police, the government, large corporations. I was raised to be a nice girl. But it doesn't work without a conflict. Fossil corporations will not give up their power by themselves. "

She lives near Bremen.


Häussermann published two novels. In a Quiet Place (2011) is about a cyclist who happens to stop at a farm in Scotland. She decides to stay, but gets caught between the fronts of the couple who live there. The novel Wind aus Nord-Süd: Romanfetzen (2019) deals with three different women who have dedicated themselves to overcoming the climate crisis.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Friederike Grabitz (2020): Climate activist about her commitment: "I have hope". in: taz, August 3, 2020.!5705194/
  2. Dagmar Dehmer (2016): Coal-fired power plant in Lusatia: Around 3000 participants end the blockades. Tagesspiegel, May 15, 2016.