Three sisters (Tallinn)

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Three sisters
View from the south

The Three Sisters ( Estonian Kolm Õde ) is a listed building complex in the Estonian capital Tallinn (Reval). The hotel The three Sisters is operated in the complex .


It is located in the northern part of the old town of Reval at the address Langstrasse ( Estonian Pikk tänav ) 71, immediately north of the junction with Zollstrasse ( Tolli ).

Architecture and history

The building complex consists of three late Gothic trading and storage houses dating from 1362, according to other information from the 15th century . According to legend, a merchant had the three houses built for his three daughters. The houses later belonged to well-known personalities of Reval such as guild masters , city councilors and mayors and have been rebuilt many times. Municipal apartments and the tourism administration were also temporarily housed here.

In 2003 it was converted into a five-star hotel . Often high state guests of Estonia are also accommodated here. The guests of the hotel included well-known personalities such as Elisabeth II , the Emperor Akihito of Japan , the then Federal President Horst Köhler, but also the members of the Metallica band . One of the first guests at the hotel was Lennart Meri , former President of Estonia.

In the Breite Straße ( Lai ) there is the counterpart of the building complex of the three brothers .


  • Thorsten Altheide, Heli Rahkema: CityTrip Tallinn (= CityTrip series ). 4., rework. and completely updated. Edition Reise Know-How Verlag Peter Rump, Bielefeld 2016, ISBN 978-3-8317-2815-2 , p. 30.
  • Valeri Sepp: Tallinn history of an unusual city. Translated by Lilia Sedova. Felistella, [Tallinn] 2013, ISBN 978-9949-9264-8-0 , p. 46.

Web links

Commons : Three Sisters  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Information on the Three Sisters. In:
  2. Thorsten Altheide, Heli Rahkema: CityTrip Tallinn (= CityTrip series ). 4., rework. and completely updated. Edition Reise Know-How Verlag Peter Rump, Bielefeld 2016, ISBN 978-3-8317-2815-2 , p. 30.

Coordinates: 59 ° 26 ′ 31.5 ″  N , 24 ° 44 ′ 55.4 ″  E