Three cruiser

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Dreikreuzer (also: Landgroschen or Kaisergroschen ) is the name of a coin minted in Austria since the middle of the 16th century, but not mentioned in the Imperial Minting Regulations . As the main dividing coin , it was struck in large quantities, especially in the 17th century and here also in other southern German states, to pay for the troops.

The embossing usually showed the image of the prince and the imperial eagle or the respective national coat of arms. On one side the three cruiser shows the number 3 in an oval.

In Silesia the three cruiser was also known under the name “Böhm” (probably for “ Bohemian groschen ”).


  • Article Dreikreuzer , in: Friedrich von Schrötter: Dictionary der Münzkunde, Berlin [u. a.] 1930, p. 161.