Drift model

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A drift model , also known as drift forecast , is a prediction method for simulating drift and propagation processes in the sea . Suitable drift models make it easier to find and rescue people or to determine who has caused pollution.


Drift models are used, for example, to be able to make predictions about the drift path of people in distress , floating objects or the spread of a pollutant in a section of the sea. Depending on the question, different dispersion models are used that are based on the flow predictions of the operational circulation model.

The Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency mainly uses the Langrange dispersion model in sea emergencies and marine pollution. This is based on a model of a particle cloud, the particles of which are displaced under the influence of the flow. For floating substances, a certain percentage is also taken into account for the influence of wind speed; for oil spreading, the physical behavior of different types of oil on the water surface and under water is also taken into account. In addition, Euler's dispersion model is available for substances that are transported, for example, by rivers into the sea and continue to spread and distribute there. This simulates the development of concentration distributions over time using a transport algorithm.

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