Third crossing of the Elbe

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The term Third Elbe Crossing is used in Magdeburg to describe a project to build, in addition to the previous two main bridges in the city center, another bridge or a bridge in the south of the city across the Elbe.

History and status of the debate

The basic idea of ​​a third Elbe crossing within the Magdeburg urban area already arose at the end of the 19th century. In the course of the strong population growth and the intensive construction activities beyond the limits of the fortress period, the former villages on the route to Schönebeck quickly developed into a coherent industrial and urban area in the south. At the same time, the population in Cracau, east of the Elbe, also grew. By 1910, many of these former villages were incorporated and the traffic flow increased. In this respect, there were already considerations during the planning and construction of the Sternbrücke to build another bridge to East Elbe.

Since the 1990s, the city administration has been repeatedly asked to keep the necessary areas free for a bridge in the Salbke district of the west of the Elbe. Since the turn of the millennium, the subject has repeatedly been promoted by the Magdeburg city council and individual citizens' initiatives and the city has been asked to carry out studies on the structural feasibility, economic viability and effects, especially with the most recent result document from September 2017. Here the city administration has again rejected the inclusion of a concrete plan and the project itself. The recurring debate about a new relief road east of Cracau for the Cracau district center has so far not changed anything. The city council factions have addressed the topic of the third Elbe crossing in their election manifestos for 2019, but in view of the currently very extensive inner-city construction projects with prospects up to 2023, the Template: future / in 3 yearsmajority are not giving it any priority.



  • Any traffic south of Magdeburg city center that wants to cross the Elbe has to use the two bridges in the center of the city, which leads to considerable through traffic on streets in the center that are already busy. A crossing of the Elbe south of it in the area of ​​the west Elbe districts of Fermersleben, Salbke or Buckau to Prester on the east Elbe side would relieve the inner city area of ​​through traffic, as would the local situation Cracau.
  • Major events in the East Elbe arenas regularly cause traffic jams across the two bridges, which also applies to public transport, especially trams. In connection with a relief road around the Cracauer Zentrum and new feeders in the direction of the arenas from there, relief would also be created.
  • The travel times between East and West Elbe in the southern parts of the city would be noticeably reduced.


  • There would have to be considerable interference with nature and private rights. The near-natural Elbaue on the Umflutkanal would be affected by a relief road to the B1. Previously quiet residential areas would be exposed to noise, quote: "The specific location favor of the East Elbe residential areas, for example quiet in connection with the city center, is canceled."
  • The road network in East Elbia is undersized, should be expanded and connected to the B1, with considerable costs.
  • The city administration estimates the possible number of users at around 10,600 vehicles per day. In comparison, almost 38,000 vehicles use the north bridge train every day. The prospective use makes funding applications seem hopeless, so the costs would primarily have to be borne by the city. According to a rough estimate, these do not amount to less than EUR 70 million without the expansion of feeders. This sum was already included in the study from 2004 (“between € 63.0 million and € 72.10 million”).

Possible course

In a study from 2004, several variants of an Elbe crossing were described: the majority of them run from Ottersleber Straße through Alt Salbke, south along Salbker See I over the Elbe and then north of Kreuzhorst to meet Luisenthaler Straße, with minor differences in the respective ones Variants. Only one variant suggested the Otto-Lehmann-Platz in Alt Fermersleben as a starting point and a guided tour of the route between the Salbker lakes and then over the Elbe.

In its results document from September 2017, the city planning office presented the following route as the only option (see page 8 and illustration on page 9):

"Route options for the third Elbe crossing were already examined in 2004 and the I0120 / 04 reported to the city council. In this, variant (1.4) was favored for more detailed investigations, which runs from Ottersleber Strasse in the direction of Alt Salbke. The route swings in a northerly direction to Salbker See I, then crosses the Elbe and flows into Luisenthaler Strasse. Developed land is used to cross Alt Salbke Street. Routing away from built-up areas is no longer possible. In the further course, an eastern bypass could be connected. This takes place in the area where the third Elbe crossing joins Luisenthaler Straße. "


Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Third Elbe crossing for Magdeburg and relief road for Cracau . City Planning Office Magdeburg, Department of Transport Planning. Retrieved December 19, 2019.
  2. ^ Jana Today, Volksstimme Magdeburg: City of Magdeburg rejects third bridge over the Elbe. Retrieved November 19, 2019 .
  3. Michaela Schröder, Volksstimme Magdeburg: New east route instead of a needle eye. Retrieved December 10, 2019 .
  4. Martin Rieß, Volksstimme Magdeburg: Third Elbe Bridge would relieve Magdeburg. Retrieved November 21, 2019 .