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Droungos (pl. Droungoi) was a tactical unit of the Byzantine army . The Droungos was commanded by a Droungarch, also known as Doux or Chiliarch .

Similar to the moira , a droungos consisted of several banda and could have a similar strength to the moira. Unlike the Moira, the Droungos was not assigned to a Meros and was used independently (see Strategikon des Maurikios I 3 [Dennis, pp. 14-16]).

No later than the 9th century, the distinction between Moira and Droungos ceased to exist. Both terms were then interchangeable, but the term droungos later became established and was also used by the infantry.


  • Maurice's Strategikon: Handbook of Byzantine Military Strategy . Translated by George T. Dennis. Philadelphia 1984, reprinted 2001.
  • The Taktika of Leo VI: Text, Translation, and Commentary (Dumbarton Oaks Texts) . Translated by George T. Dennis first edition 2010.