Dymaxion car

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Dymaxion Car

The Dymaxion car was a prototype automobile designed in 1933 by the American inventor and architect Richard Buckminster Fuller . The word Dymaxion is a sign that Fuller gave to many of his inventions to emphasize that he viewed them as part of a larger project aimed at improving people's living conditions.

Fuller built three units. One example was destroyed in an accident in 1933 during an exhibition in the rooms of the Chicago World's Fair. The Dymaxion fell over after a crash, the pilot died, and Fuller's project went down in history as Chrysler withdrew its interest.

The car had a fuel efficiency of 30 miles per gallon (around 7.8 l / 100 km), somewhat surprising at the time. It could carry up to eleven passengers at speeds of 120 miles per hour (193 km / h). Only one of the three vehicles has survived; it is in the National Automobile Museum in Reno , Nevada, USA.


  1. http://www.elmundo.es/elmundo/2010/10/07/cultura/1286438994.html