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Dyrniki (Russian Дырники even Dyromoljai , Дыромоляи, outdated Schtschelniki , Щельники) are a small Christian community in central Siberia in Russia .


Shchelniki have been described by the Cossacks in the Don area since the early 19th century . They are said to have something in common with the self-seller community.

As recently as the late 20th century and in the 2010 population survey, there were some dyrniki in the Komi Republic .

Religious orientation

The Dyrniki reject church institutions and priests after the reforms of Patriarch Nikon of 1652 ( old believers without priests ). They don't have churches. The Dyrniki pray facing east, outdoors in summer, through small openings or windows in their houses in winter, hence their name (from dyrka hole ). They don't accept icons either.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Philipp Strahl: Addendum to the Russian Church History . Volume 1. Indication and criticism of the sources of Russian church history . 1827. p. 338
  2. Живут ли в Республике Коми дырники? in Krasnoye Znamia on April 28, 2010