Cover database

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The cover database (EBDB) aims the rubbings of book bindings the 15th and 16th century in a historical specifically to the requirements Covers modified database to capture form and content.

This is made available via the Internet to a public interested in binding research. The responsibility for the technical support lies with the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Prussischer Kulturbesitz.

For this, the present paper will cover rubbings first scanned and then detected using a common coding scheme in the EBDB. In addition to formal aspects (shape, size) and content (group of motifs / motif), the descriptive part also takes into account the attribution of tools (workshop, bookbinder ) and provenance (including supralibros , dedications ). The inclusion of images supplements the verbal descriptions and also offers binding research possibilities for visual allocation and research of material that has so far been largely unpublished.


In 2001, the Berlin State Library , the Württemberg State Library in Stuttgart and the Herzog August Library Wolfenbüttel applied to the German Research Foundation (DFG) for funding for a project-related data network for their collections of binding rubbings . The Bavarian State Library in Munich has also been involved in the project since December 2003 with its extensive collection of rubbings. A large number of other libraries have since joined the database.

A beta version of a completely revised database has been available since 2018.


  • G. Giertz: The "Kyriss Collection" in the Württemberg State Library and its presentation in the binding database. A DFG-funded development project . In: Library Service July / August 2004.
  • A. Wittenberg: The database of historical book covers . In: Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie , 51 (2004) H. 4 P. 246–250.
  • Konrad von Rabenau : To use the cover database or: Augsburg, Fuchsvogel-Meister IV - not Ulm (?), Adler Raute III . In: Einbandforschung , Issue 21 / October 2007, pp. 53–57.
  • R. Bacher: Historical bindings on the Internet. Databases in comparison . In: Bibliotheksdienst , 3/4 (2010) pp. 245–258.
  • U. Marburger, R. Henkel, A. Wittenberg: The cover database (EBDB). An international association under Berlin leadership . In: library magazine. Messages from the state libraries in Berlin and Munich , 2.2013, pp. 77–81.

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