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ECWP ( E nhanced C ompression W avelet P rotocol ) is a streaming protocol in the Internet , the large for transmitting raster graphics in particular in the GIS is used range.

ECWP blocks transmits compressed graphics in graphic format ECW ( E nhanced C ompression W avelet ) which ECWP from companies like Earth Resource Mapping and Leica Geosystems has been developed. ECW's compression technology is similar to that of the JPEG2000 format . ECWP is described by providers of GIS solutions as "the fastest way to send large image data sets to many users in real time" .

A URL for ECWP is ecwp:// in the form (here using the example of the topographic map of Great Britain from the British Ordnance Survey at a scale of 1: 50,000). Numerous servers offer geodata such as maps, aerial or satellite images via ECWP on the Internet.


There are plug-ins for Internet Explorer and Firefox for the ECWP protocol . Desktop programs such as QuoVadis can also use the protocol to import geodata.

The Google Earth service also uses a variant of ECWP that can only be used via the Google Earth application to transmit the geodata.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ ECWP ( English ) Oregon State University. Archived from the original on May 31, 2008. Retrieved March 17, 2019.