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EDNOS is an abbreviation for Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified .

This clinical picture (specified under the diagnosis code 307.50 of the DSM-IV and the code F50.9 of the ICD-10 ) summarizes those eating disorders that are either a mixed form of anorexia nervosa , bulimia and obesity or cannot be clearly assigned to one of these disorders . These include, for example:

  • Women meeting the criteria of anorexia nervosa meet (anorexia), but more regular menstrual bleeding have
  • if all criteria of anorexia nervosa are met, but the normal weight is still present despite significant weight loss (→ body mass index )
  • if the criteria for bulimia are actually met, but binge eating attacks or inappropriate behavior after eating occur less than twice a week or for a period shorter than three months
  • If you have a normal body weight, inadequate behavior after consuming normal amounts of food (e.g. self-induced vomiting after eating two biscuits)
  • Large amounts of food are chewed and then spat out, but not swallowed.


  • CG Fairburn, K. Bohn: Eating disorder NOS (EDNOS): an example of the troublesome "not otherwise specified" (NOS) category in DSM-IV. In: Behav Res Ther. 2005 Jun; 43 (6), pp. 691-701. Review. PMID 15890163