Earth 2000

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ERDE 2000 is a German booklet series that was published by Wolfgang Marken Verlag in Cologne.

A total of forty-four volumes of this time travel series appeared between 1978 and 1979, which was a continuation of the Zeitkugel series . In contrast to the Zeitkugel series, only journeys into the future were described.


In this series, the scientist Professor Robert Lintberg, who invented the time ball, a time machine , is sent on expeditions into the future with his two assistants Frank Forster and Ben Hammer. The clients are the members of the wealthy London “Club of Seven”, through which the funding for the Zeitkugel project was run. The time ball is a round, aluminum-colored time machine that is used to transport the three time travelers into the future. There they have jobs to do for the “Club of Seven”. In addition to a defensive armament such as a light cannon and paralyzer, they carry a radar timer, a kind of mini-computer with radio equipment, and a translator. It is not possible to take people and things from the respective time period with you, this also applies to recordings of all kinds.


ERDE 2000 is a continuation of the Zeitkugel series , in which journeys into the past were predominantly described. In the series ERDE 2000 only trips into the future took place. After the largely self-contained individual adventures were published, there were several mini-cycles from volume 18 onwards. Volumes 35, 37, 39 and 41 were double volumes in which two old novels were republished. From volume 43, the publication mode was changed from fortnightly to four weeks. The series was discontinued with Volume 44. ERDE 2000 was the first magazine novel series before the well-known SF series Terranauten , in which the authors dealt with ecological topics and pointed out the threat to the earth from human overexploitation at an early stage .


A total of five authors contributed to the series. Horst Hübner (as P. Eisenhuth or Penn Flemming Webster), OJ Birner, Erno Fischer (as WA Travers), Karl-Ulrich Burgdorf (as Arl Duncan) and Ned Parkins.

Horst Hübner was editor and regular author of the series.


The novels were of very different quality, particularly due to a lack of editing. The quality of the novels only increased with the mini-cycles.

Novel title

The following issues were published by Erde 2000 :

  1. The days of the second sun / P. Eisenhuth
  2. The Mutiny of the Deep Sea Slaves / OJ Birner
  3. Death from another star / P. Eisenhuth
  4. The Eternal Rain / OJ Birner
  5. The merchants of eternal life / P. Eisenhuth
  6. When the forests died / OJ Birner
  7. The lost I / P. Eisenhuth
  8. War the Machines / Penn Fleming Webster
  9. Death from the Eternal Ice / WA Travers
  10. The peoples of the deep / P. Eisenhuth
  11. You inherited death / OJ Birner
  12. The human factory / P. Eisenhuth
  13. The Last Drop / Penn Fleming Webster
  14. The satellite of death / P. Eisenhuth
  15. Wanted poster from the past / Penn Fleming Webster
  16. Monster from the retort / WA Travers
  17. The day without night / WA Travers
  18. The sons of Atlantis / P. Eisenhuth
  19. The Hunt for Immortality / Penn Fleming Webster
  20. The green terror / P. Eisenhuth
  21. The Machine of Deadly Dreams / WA Travers
  22. When the monsters awoke / Penn Fleming Webster
  23. The 7th continent / WA Travers
  24. The flying city / P. Eisenhuth
  25. The Dying Cities / WA Travers
  26. Guests of the Earth / P. Eisenhuth
  27. The Trek That Came From The Future / Penn Fleming Webster
  28. The fire planet / P. Eisenhuth
  29. The two-moons fortress / WA Travers
  30. The Time Pirates / Penn Fleming Webster
  31. Duel of the androids / P. Eisenhuth
  32. The decoys of Taruga / Penn Fleming Webster
  33. Legion of the Lost / WA Travers
  34. The error of the computer / P. Eisenhuth
  35. Double volume with two old titles
  36. The island of children / Arl Duncan
  37. Double volume with two old titles
  38. The Answer from Space / Penn Fleming Webster
  39. Double volume with two old titles
  40. The battle over the moon / P. Eisenhuth
  41. Double volume with two old titles
  42. Raid at the Space Lab / Penn Fleming Webster
  43. Planet without space / Ned Parkins
  44. Satellite death dance / Penn Fleming Webster

The new edition

The Mohlberg publishing house reissued the series from 2004 to 2008 in a revised form, supplemented by inserted, newly written novels. Up to volume 10 individual novels were published in one volume, from volume 11 two novels. Volume 16 was the last volume of the new edition, the missing volumes of the first edition will not be published.

List of novels new edition

  1. Dirk van den Boom: "Ruler of Time" (new novel)
  2. P. Eisenhuth: "The days of the second sun" (Ex # 1)
  3. OJ Birner: "The Mutiny of the Deep Sea Slaves" (Ex # 2)
  4. P. Eisenhuth: "Death from another planet" (Ex # 3)
  5. Sylke Brandt: "Revenge from the Future" (new novel)
  6. OJ Birner: "The Eternal Rain" (Ex # 4)
  7. P. Eisenhuth: "The traders of eternal life" (Ex # 5)
  8. WA Travers: "Death from the Eternal Ice" (Ex # 9)
  9. OJ Birner: "When the forests died" (Ex # 6)
  10. P. Eisenhuth: "The lost self" (Ex # 7)
  11. P. Eisenhuth: "Dark Future - The Unrest" (Ex # 8 and # 10)
  12. P. Eisenhuth: "Dark Future - Horrible Visions" (Ex # 12 and # 15)
  13. P. Eisenhuth: "Dark Future - The Energy Wars" (Ex # 13 and # 14)
  14. Udo Mörsch: "The Last Refuge" (new novel)
  15. OJ Birner & Jörg Bielefeld: "Welt am Abgrund" (Ex # 11 and # 25, the latter largely rewritten)
  16. P. Eisenhuth: "The Sons of Atlantis" (Ex # 18 and # 19)

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