Eagle effect

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The Eagle effect (synonymous paradoxical zone phenomenon ) describes a reduced effectiveness of some antibiotics with high bacterial concentrations .


The Eagle effect originally described the reduced effect of penicillin at high doses (a paradoxical reaction ), but today it describes the reduced effect of β-lactam antibiotics at higher bacterial concentrations, e.g. B. in infections with streptococci of serogroup A. Various mechanisms have been suggested as causes for the Eagle effect, including a reduced expression of penicillin-binding proteins in the stationary phase , the induction of bacterial resistance mechanisms , precipitation of penicillin, or antagonistic effects. The eagle effect was confirmed in animal experiments.


The Eagle effect was first described in 1948 by Harry Eagle with high doses of penicillin.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b D. L. Stevens, AE Gibbons, R. Bergstrom, V. Winn: The Eagle effect revisited: efficacy of clindamycin, erythromycin, and penicillin in the treatment of streptococcal myositis. In: The Journal of Infectious Diseases. Volume 158, Number 1, July 1988, ISSN  0022-1899 , pp. 23-28, doi : 10.1093 / infdis / 158.1.23 , PMID 3292661 .
  2. a b c H. EAGLE, AD MUSSELMAN: The rate of bactericidal action of penicillin in vitro as a function of its concentration, and its paradoxically reduced activity at high concentrations against certain organisms. In: The Journal of experimental medicine. Volume 88, number 1, July 1948, ISSN  0022-1007 , pp. 99-131, doi : 10.1084 / jem.88.1.99 , PMID 18871882 , PMC 2135799 (free full text).
  3. E. Yourassowsky, MP Vanderlinden, MJ Lismont, E. Schouten: Qualitative study of paradoxical zone phenomenon of penicillins against 17 bacterial species of clinical importance. In: Chemotherapy. Volume 24, Number 2, 1978, ISSN  0009-3157 , pp. 92-96, doi : 10.1159 / 000237766 , PMID 340171 .
  4. Andrew J. Pollard, George H. McCracken, Adam Finn: Hot Topics in Infection and Immunity in Children . Springer, 2004, ISBN 9780306483448 , p. 187.
  5. ^ Y. Ikeda, Y. Fukuoka, K. Motomura, T. Yasuda, T. Nishino: Paradoxical activity of beta-lactam antibiotics against Proteus vulgaris in experimental infection in mice. In: Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy. Volume 34, Number 1, January 1990, ISSN  0066-4804 , pp. 94-97, doi : 10.1128 / AAC.34.1.94 , PMID 2183712 , PMC 171526 (free full text).
  6. Pharmaceutical Microbiology , pg188, 7th Edition, Denyer, Hodges, Gorman.
  7. L. Grandière-Pérez, C. Jacqueline, V. Lemabecque, O. Patey, G. Potel, J. Caillon: Eagle effect in Corynebacterium diphtheriae. In: The Journal of Infectious Diseases. Volume 191, Number 12, June 2005, ISSN  0022-1899 , pp. 2118-2120, doi : 10.1086 / 430350 , PMID 15897998 .