East Gonja District

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East Gonja District
country GhanaGhana Ghana
region Savannah region
Capital Salaga
District shape Usually
District Chief Executive Abudu Amadu Musa
surface 9351 km²
population 197,000 (2006)
Population density 21 Ew. / km²

The Central Gonja District is a district of the Savannah region in northern Ghana and is located in its southeastern part.


The name of the district is derived from the Gonja people . 34.9% of the population follow Islam, 36.4% Christianity and 21.3% of the population worship traditional deities.


The average temperature in the East Gonja District is 35 ° C, the highest temperatures around 40 ° C are reached in March / April, the lowest between November and January with an average of 22 ° C. The relatively low temperatures November - January are due to the influence of the Harmattan .

Locations in the district

  • Kpandai
  • Kitare
  • Buya
  • Gulubi Quarters
  • Bladjai
  • Katiejeli
  • Kpalibe
  • Kpembe
  • Sabon-Gida
  • Old Makango
  • Ekumudi
  • Kijau Bator
  • Loloto
  • Kafaba No. 2
  • Nkanchina No. 2
  • Bankamba
  • Kabonwule
  • Lonto
  • Wae

See also

Web links