Eberhard Rössler

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Eberhard Rössler (* 1929 ) is a German mathematician and author .


Rössler is a qualified mathematician. As the author of books and articles in magazines and specialist publications, he has gained a reputation beyond the German-speaking world as a researcher of German submarine development.


  • The German submarines and submarine designs between the world wars 1922 - 1939 Berlin: Ed. Gröner, 2013
  • The sonar systems of the German submarines Bonn: Bernard and Graefe, 2006, 2., Erw. Ed.
  • The torpedoes of the German submarines Hamburg: Mittler, 2005
  • German U-cruisers and transport submarines Bonn: Bernard and Graefe, 2003
  • The submarines of the Imperial Navy Bonn: Bernard and Graefe, 1997

Web links


  1. Press release (PDF 467 kB)  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @ koehler-mittler.de (Verlag ES Mittler & Sohn GmbH)@1@ 2Template: Toter Link / www.koehler-mittler.de