Eberwin von Rodach

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Eberwin von Rodach (also Eberwin von Rotha ; † 1349 ) was the protonotary of Margrave Ludwig von Brandenburg from 1333 to 1349.


Eberwin came from a ministerial family from the Franconian county of Henneberg . From 1333 he was protonotary to Margrave Ludwig after he took over the government without a guardian. During his time, the law firm's activity became more effective, entry and exit lists were drawn up and loan and account books were introduced. After Ludwig took over the county of Tyrol in 1342, Eberwin and the law firm were also responsible for this area.

After the division of the Brandenburg and the Tyrolean chancellery, Eberwin was head of Ludwig's superordinate court chancellery from 1346/47. In 1349, in his will, he left some donations to the Premonstratensian monastery in Veßra , for which vigils and masses were to be read daily as thanks for his salvation. Soon after, he died.


  • Julia Hörmann: The registries under Margrave Ludwig of Brandenburg in Tyrol and Bavaria in the years 1342 to 1352 . Dissertation, University of Innsbruck 1998, p. 303 f .

Individual evidence

  1. Jan Winkelmann: The Mark Brandenburg of the 14th century. Margravial rule between spatial »distance« and political »crisis«. Lukas Verlag 2011. p. 136
  2. ^ Günther Wölfing (Ed.): The Premonstratensian Monastery Veßra. Deeds 113-1573. Böhlau Verlag Cologne, Weimar, Vienna 2010. P. 179ff.