Ebria tripartita

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Ebria tripartita
Ebria tripartita.jpg

Ebria tripartita

without rank: Rhizaria
without rank: Cercozoa
without rank: Thecofilosea
without rank: Ebriacea
Genre : Ebria
Type : Ebria tripartita
Scientific name of the  genus
Lemmermann, 1899
Scientific name of the  species
Ebria tripartita
( Schumann , 1867) Lemmermann , 1899

Ebria tripartita is a heterotrophic flagellate found in marine planktonand one of only two species of the Ebriacea . The generic name is derived from the Latin word ebrius , which means drunk and refers to the swimming movements.


The group characteristics of the Ebriacea also apply to Ebria tripartita . The flagella are usually difficult to see under a light microscope. The cells are 25 to 40 micrometers long. The inner silicate skeleton has three branches, hence the specific epithet tripartita . Sometimes a cell has several nuclei . Sexual reproduction is not known.

Occurrence and nutrition

Ebria tripartita occurs in the plankton near the coast of cold to temperate seas. It feeds on phytoplankton , mainly on diatoms such as Skeletonema and Thalassiosira , but also on Dinoflagellata .

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