Ecclesia in Europe

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The post-synodal Apostolic Exhortation Ecclesia in Europe from Pope John Paul II to bishops and priests , to consecrated persons and to all believers, was presented on June 28, 2003.

Two special meetings

The two special assemblies of the European Synod of Bishops discussed the Church in Europe . During the first meeting from November 28th to December 14th, 1991, the topic “May we be witnesses to Christ who set us free” was dealt with and in the second special meeting from October 1st to 23rd, 1999 the topic “Jesus Christ, who lives in His Church - source of hope for Europe ”. Then on June 28, 2003, the post-synodal Apostolic Exhortation Ecclesia was presented in Europe .

About the "Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation"

The text is based on a specific situation analysis of the Church and Christianity in Europe and makes it clear that Europe is a continent of ethical and spiritual values ​​and culture . The letter represents a handout of central spiritual and ethical building blocks for a new Europe. With this papal document, Pope John Paul II called on the European Union to enter into a dialogue with the religious communities , based on respect for their freedom , their rights and their specific identity must be shaped. This letter speaks sharply and uncompromisingly about problems of the old continent and the Catholic Church in Europe, the causes of these problems are deeply analyzed.

Europe's Christian roots

For Europe, Christian roots are the main guarantee for the future, stresses Pope John Paul II; However, if European unity is limited to geographical and economic aspects, it will not last, he warned. He calls on the Church in Europe to read the Gospel anew , as it were , and to shape it with a view to the new Europe. He closes each major section with the request: “You, Church in Europe”. But the appeal not only shows a deep analysis of the problems and the situation in which the Catholic Church in Europe is nowadays, but also “signs of hope “Stated. The Pope counts the freedom of the Catholic Church in Eastern Europe as one of these “signs of hope”.

EU constitution

In the document, the Pope once again calls on not to forget the biblical-Christian roots (from the point of view of the church) in the current European unification process and in the drafting of an EU constitution and emphasizes the Christian character of Europe. That is why Europe must be aware of its religious and especially Christian heritage, or to a large extent become aware again. The Pope demands that a European constitution must also expressly recognize the contribution of its religious and especially Christian heritage. The unity of Europe, he says, “should not be limited to political and economic pragmatism”. The European Union must recognize the fundamental values ​​to which Christianity has made a decisive contribution.

Web links

Text of the Apostolic Letter