Econo Rhein-Neckar

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The magazine Econo Rhein-Neckar (spelling: econo Rhein-Neckar) has been a regional business magazine for the Rhine-Neckar metropolitan region with an editorial office in Mannheim that has been published since May 2008 . It is published by Haasmedia GmbH, a subsidiary of the Dr. Haas Group .

The magazine initially consists of a news section reporting on companies in the Rhine-Neckar metropolitan region . In the four other sections “Companies & Markets”, “People”, “Management” and “Politics & Society”, the focus is on background reports, reports, portraits and interviews. The edition of the magazine is 17,500 copies. The originally monthly publication frequency was reduced in September 2009 to six publication dates per year against the background of the economic crisis that began at the end of 2008. However, there are also special issues.

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