Ecribellate spiders

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Under ecribellaten spiders refers to the group of real spiders , which no cribellum and calamistrum have. Your spinning machine produces thicker threads instead of fine fishing wool. These are structured differently for the various purposes ( net construction , catching prey, cocoon ).

In contrast to the cribellate spiders , the prey is not caught with the help of fine wool. Instead, ecribellate spiders can wet the catch threads with droplets of a sticky substance that is secreted from neighboring gland openings parallel to the actual thread . The prey does not get tangled in the individual threads, but sticks to them.

For building webs, ecribellate spiders produce a different type of thread. This is usually much stronger and not wetted with glue. With these threads the spider builds the supporting structure of the web. When it moves through the net, it only grabs these threads, as it would also stick to the adhesive catch threads itself.

For the construction of cocoons, sperm nets and wheel nets, other types of thread can be produced.

See also
