Edition ethics

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The Edition Ethics is published by Edition Ruprecht Göttingen, published scientific series. It was founded and is edited by Reiner Anselm and Ulrich HJ Körtner .

The Theologische Literaturzeitung characterized Edition Ethik as follows: “It is a trademark of the series“ Edition Ethik ”, published since 2008 by Reiner Anselm (Göttingen) and Ulrich HJ Körtner (Vienna), that it addresses basic questions of theological ethics against the background of their ecclesiastical and seeks to unfold social contexts. This often results in volumes rich in material, which illustrate the diversity of the ethos lived in Protestantism. When selecting their topics, which are always highly topical, the editors place great emphasis on both a well-founded preparation of the source material and a methodologically well-versed, interdisciplinary focus on theological issues. "

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Individual evidence

  1. Theologische Literaturzeitung 136 (2011) 5