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Editor [ ˈeːditoːr, eˈdiːtoːr ] (from Latin edere 'to publish ', editor 'publisher') and [ ˈɛdɪtə ] (from English to edit [texts, but also films, etc.] to ' publish ', 'edit', 'edit')

stands for the following professions:

  • Publisher , publishing (the work he will work as edit - called - not "edit")
  • Film editor , job title from the media industry for the person who designs the film
  • Sound Editor , Occupation from the media industry for one of the professions participating in the sound design in the post-production involved
  • VFX editor , Occupation from the media industry for the person who is the binding link between editing and VFX department is

Editor stands for the following IT applications:

Editor is part of the title of:

See also:

Wiktionary: Editor  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations