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The association EfEU - Association for the Development of Feminist Education and Teaching Models is a unique organization in Austria and in German-speaking Europe with the topics of gender, diversity and education. It has existed since 1986.

Goal of the association

The aim of the association is to contribute to gender equality and the dismantling of gender stereotypes, especially in educational organizations.

The association advocates raising awareness of sexisms in schools, education, upbringing and society in order to change the existing gender-power relations.

Subject areas

  • Gender-sensitive and queer pedagogy in school, pre-school and extra-curricular areas
  • Gender-sensitive career orientation
  • Gender specific socialization
  • Feminist teaching materials
  • Violence / prevention
  • Gender mainstreaming and diversity management in education


The EfEU association is subsidized by MA 57 City of Vienna, the Federal Ministry for Education, Science and Research and the Federal Ministry for Women, Families and Youth.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. https://www.wien.gv.at/sozialinfo/content/de/10/InstitutionDetail.do?it_1=2099811
  2. Gerlinde Mauerer: A (permanent) place of encounter: the Frauenhetz in Vienna . In: Gender and Adult Education - Approaches, Analyzes and Measures . No. 3, February 2008. Retrieved May 24, 2019.
  3. Frida.at
  4. Erna Appelt: Gender equality policy in Austria: a critical balance . StudienVerlag,, ISBN 9783706518574 .
  5. MA 57, City of Vienna (women's service)
  6. Federal Minister for Education, Science and Research
  7. ^ Federal Chancellery, Federal Minister for Women, Families and Youth
  8. Claudia Schneider: On the way to equal opportunities . AK Wien, Vienna January 2016, ISBN 978-3-7063-0573-0 (accessed on May 24, 2019).

Web links