Egbert Prior

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Egbert Prior (born September 20, 1963 in Münster in Westphalia ) is a stock market journalist who runs an economic service in German and was a board member of the now renamed investment company PriorCapital AG until November 2, 2009.

Egbert Prior became known to a wide audience in the years 1996 to 2001 when he propagated shares of the Neuer Markt in television appearances . His recommendation for Mobilcom shares attracted particular attention . In this context, he came under suspicion of insider trading and price manipulation. The prosecutors found out that he had stocked up on shares in SCM Microsystems and Mobilcom before massively recommending the two stocks for purchase on the 3satbörse . However, it was not possible to prove to him that he had planned to recommend the two companies on television at the time he put the shares in his custody account; therefore the investigation was closed. The attempt to prosecute Prior for price fraud regarding shares in the software company Lobster Technology AG and the Berliner Freiverkehr AG ended in a similar way.


  • Ralph Hübner (Ed.): Who is Who in the Federal Republic of Germany. Supplement work . Who is who, Zug (Switzerland) 2007, ISBN 3-7290-0064-0 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  2. Buy, buy, buy . The mirror. March 23, 1998. Retrieved August 25, 2012.
  3. ^ Günter Ogger : The stock market fraud. How shareholders and investors are being fooled , C. Bertelsmann Verlag, Munich 2001, pp. 89f.
  4. ^ Günter Ogger: Der Börsenschwindel , C. Bertelsmann Verlag, Munich 2001, p. 90.
  5. Targeted deception: New charges against prior . Mirror. July 8, 1999. Retrieved August 25, 2012.