Underlining of proper names

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The underlining of proper names used in the Chinese script ( Chinese  專 名號  /  专 名号 , Pinyin zhuānmínghào ) is a symbol of the Chinese script that is used to describe proper names (zhuānmíng) - d. H. Personal names, place names / geographical names, dynasty names, organization names etc. - recognizable in the text, making it more transparent.

For example, the sentence “I come from Germany.” In Chinese becomes Chinese  我 來自 德國.  /  我来自Log In United . , Pinyin Wǒ láizì Déguó. written, whereby the name of the country (here: Germany) is underlined.

The underlining to identify proper names serves as a means similar to capitalization in German and is mainly used in Chinese lexicons - such as the Cihai .

For the identification of separations in proper names in Chinese see also center .