A person like Dieter - Golzower

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The film "A man like Dieter - Golzower" is part of a long-term documentary called " The Children of Golzow ", which was started in 1961 by director Winfried Junge and only ended in 2007. He accompanied several children of a primary school class from Golzow im Oderbruch over this period and presented his results in several films.

About the film

"Ein Mensch wie Dieter" was released in 1999 and is 122 minutes long. It is shot in color and in black and white.


The main character in the film is Dieter Finger, born on August 27, 1953. Winfried Junge recorded his life over a period from 1961 to 1999. Dieter is presented in various sub-chapters and accompanied throughout his life. But the documentation doesn't start with the first year of school. It begins with a visit to Dieter in Libya in 1988. Dieter will later think back to these nine months of his life with shining eyes. Dieter, who has always dreamed of traveling, was allowed to travel to Libya to work. Only then is Dieter's life presented chronologically from the first grade. At intervals of one to three years, Winfried Junge conducts interviews with Dieter and his family, and once in 1994 introduces the 17-year-old daughter Dana. Dieter's life is shaped, among other things, by the desire to travel, which he can only partially realize in the GDR . As an active blonde, he is bored a lot in class and leaves school after eighth grade to begin an apprenticeship as a carpenter. Then he volunteers for the military and then wants to join the merchant fleet. But he doesn't succeed and so he remains a carpenter, but also works abroad such as in Libya or Germany. He has three children with his wife Anita, whom he married in 1977. The camera accompanies the family in everyday situations e.g. B. in the work of the nurse and geriatric nurse Anita, in new future plans and hopes such as after the fall of the wall at a company foundation seminar and in crisis situations when the family house in Reitwein was threatened by floods in 1997. Again and again, retrospectives and pictures from childhood are brought in, for example the picture of twelve-year-old Dieter at his wedding who asks why one actually has to get married. The shooting was ended in 1999 at Dieter's request.


  • Winfried and Barbara Junge (eds.): CVs - The children of Golzow - pictures - documents - memories. Schüren Verlag, Marburg, 2004.
  • PROGRESS Film-Verleih GmbH: Press release: A person like Dieter - Golzower. Burgstrasse 27, 10178 Berlin.

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