Hubert van Es

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Hubert van Es (1977)

Hubert "Hugh" van Es (born July 6, 1941 in Hilversum , Netherlands ; † May 15, 2009 in Hong Kong ) was a Dutch photojournalist , known for his photographs from the Vietnam War .

Van Es wanted to become a photographer from an early age. His great role model was the war photographer Robert Capa . After graduating from high school, he worked for various Dutch newspapers. In 1967 he went to Hong Kong, where he started as a photographer for the South China Morning Post . In 1968 he hired NBC News as a sound engineer and came to Vietnam. As a photographer he worked there from 1969 to 1972 for the Associated Press and from 1972 to 1975 for United Press International.

He became famous for a photo taken on April 29, 1975 from the home of the United Press International news agency , the day before Saigon was captured by North Vietnamese troops . The picture shows the evacuation of a building via the roof; People crowd from a flat roof via a ladder to the roof of a building where a helicopter is waiting. Inappropriately, the incident was often referred to as an escape from the American embassy , but it is actually a CIA apartment building .

Van Es stayed in Hong Kong after the Vietnam War, where he got married in 1970.

Later assignments led him a. a. to the Muslim Moro rebels in the southern Philippines and to Afghanistan at the beginning of the Soviet invasion .

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