Unified science

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Unified science was a series of logical empiricism ( neopositivism ) edited by Rudolf Carnap , Otto Neurath , Charles W. Morris , Hans Hahn , Philipp Frank and Jørgen Jørgensen from 1933 on . The aim was to promote a unified view of science. The series was discontinued in 1939 because of the Second World War. In the English-speaking world, the International Encyclopedia of Unified Science appeared as a follow-up project.

Published publications are:

  • Hans Hahn : Logic, Mathematics and Knowledge of Nature. 1933
  • Otto Neurath : Unified Science and Psychology. 1933
  • Rudolf Carnap : The task of the logic of science. 1934
  • Philipp Frank : The end of mechanistic physics. 1935
  • Otto Neurath: What does rational economic analysis mean? 1935
  • Otto Neurath, E. Brunswik, C. Hull, G. Mannoury, J. Woodger: To the encyclopedia of standardized science. Lectures. 1938
  • Richard von Mises : Ernst Mach and the empirical conception of science. 1939



  • Brian McGuinness (Ed.): Unified science. The Vienna monograph series, originally edited by Otto Neurath, now in an English edition . Reidel, Dordrecht 1987, ISBN 90-277-2484-9