Friedmann model

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A Friedmann model or Friedmann-Lemaître model (named after the Russian mathematician and meteorologist Alexander Friedmann and the Belgian astrophysicist Georges Lemaître ) is understood in cosmology to be a solution to the Friedmann equation , i.e. H. a solution of Einstein's field equations with constant curvature , which is spatially isotropic around every point .

Friedmann models differ in terms of the parameter from the Robertson-Walker metric

  • : positive curvature
  • : no curvature, flat space
  • : negative curvature

and the value of the cosmological constant .

Special cases of the Friedmann models

Einstein cosmos

It is a non-expanding or contracting, static (unstable towards small changes) universe with

where is.

Lemaître Universe

where is a very small parameter. By choosing a suitable one , the time scale of the expansion of the universe is stretched so that an almost static universe exists between two expanding time phases.

De-Sitter model

The three different values ​​for result in three possible models, which are, however, only different cuts of the same space-time .

Einstein de Sitter model

The Einstein-de-Sitter universe results with

For this flat, infinitely expanded universe, the parameter of the Robertson-Walker metric is currently developing with it .

Individual evidence

  1. Hubert Goenner: Einstein's theories of relativity: space, time, mass, gravitation . CH Beck, 1999, ISBN 978-3-406-45669-5 , p. 96 (accessed April 9, 2012).
  2. a b c d R. Sexl, H. Urbantke: Gravitation and cosmology . 3rd, corrected edition. BI-Wissenschaftsverlag, Mannheim 1987, ISBN 3-411-03177-8 .