Individual case

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The word individual case describes a one-off , concrete occurrence that has to be assessed or treated individually and is only very unlikely to repeat itself in the same form.

Logic and science

In logic and philosophy of science , attempts are made to derive general knowledge, such as a general concept or a law of nature, through inductive inference from individual observed phenomena.

In the subjective perception, individual occurrences can often be perceived as frequent and repetitive. The term “accumulated individual case” is often referred to ironically . In this formulation the two apparently contradicting terms of frequency and the singular are juxtaposed as an oxymoron in order to stimulate reflection on the regularity of a phenomenon. To decide whether this is a phenomenon that needs to be generalized, however, suitable research methods are necessary.

The word “individual case” can also be used as a euphemism in social or political discourse , for example to make accumulating negative incidents appear singular.


In German administrative law , one speaks of an individual case when a measure is of a specific, individual nature. The individual case is a constituent feature of the administrative act according to § 35 sentence 1 VwVfG . The examination of an individual case in the sense of administrative law is carried out on the basis of the factual (concrete) and the personal measure (individual). This characteristic distinguishes the administrative act from legal norms.

Web links

Wiktionary: Individual case  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

Individual evidence

  1. Definition according to Duden , accessed on September 19, 2019
  2. ^ Alpmann / Schmidt: Verwaltungsrecht AT1, page 116.
  3. ^ Alpmann / Schmidt: Verwaltungsrecht AT1, page 81ff.
  4. The administrative act according to § 35 VwVfG - Jura Individuell. Accessed April 7, 2017 (German).