Precision sowing

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Precision seeder for sugar beet
Detail view of a beet seed drill
Precision seeder for maize

The precision drilling is a seed process , which in field crops whose seed is used is expensive and their income depends heavily on the uniform plant spacing in the field.

Special precision seeders are used for this sowing method. As with the seed drill , these first pull a coulter into the seedbed using a coulter . However, the seed is fed individually for each seed. With the help of pneumatic or mechanical control systems, individual grains are placed in the row with centimeter precision at a previously defined distance. This is followed by a bracket that covers the channel with loose soil and a small roller that gently presses the soil above the seed. This promotes the connection to the capillaries of the soil and thus the supply of moisture to initiate germination.

Precision sowing is common in maize and sugar beet .

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