Railway delivery community

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Eisenbahnwagen-Liefergemeinschaft GmbH (EISLIEG), Düsseldorf

legal form GmbH
founding April 21, 1921
resolution 1926
Seat Dusseldorf

The Eisenbahnwagen-Liefergemeinschaft GmbH was an amalgamation of eight German wagon construction companies . After the First World War they formed an economic cartel . This should avoid ruinous competition between those involved. The bundling of purchasing and sales saved costs ; The proportional distribution of the orders should enable all companies involved to survive even in phases with weak orders.


The difficult times for all wagon construction companies after the First World War - the domestic demand for rolling stock had fallen sharply - led to the consideration of bundling the existing forces from production and international sales in order to successfully face both domestic competition and foreign buyers can. On April 21, 1921, the companies Dessauer Waggonfabrik AG , Düsseldorfer Eisenbahnbedarf AG, H. Fuchs Waggonfabrik AG , Siegener Eisenbahnbedarf AG, Waggonfabrik Uerdingen and Wegmann & Co. founded the Eisenbahnwagen-Liefergemeinschaft GmbH, also with a share capital of 200 million marks Called EISLIEG .

Later the companies WUMAG ( Waggon- und Maschinenbau AG, Görlitz and Gottfried Lindner AG (Ammendorf)) joined the association.

This group employed a total of around 10,000 people and had an annual output of 18 to 20 thousand vehicles of all types and systems.

A uniform purchasing organization improved the procurement of raw materials through more advantageous procurement. When collecting orders to be processed jointly, the global international organization of sales was of great importance, as the domestic procurement of new vehicles fell to a historic low. In 1926 only 90 passenger cars and 1,500 freight cars were purchased. The allocation of the order lots took place via a quota system.

The specializations available at the individual participating companies could thus be used sensibly; the orders secured jobs there.

Since it felt disadvantaged by the quota regulation, WUMAG left the association again in 1925.

In 1926 the Deutsche Reichsbahn-Gesellschaft (DRG) developed its own plan for placing its orders with delivery companies. In the same year, the DRG and 30 wagon construction companies signed the Reichsbahn contract for the award of state railroad contracts. In this, the DRG undertook to award around 90 percent of its wagon construction contracts to the companies that had come together to form the Deutsche Wagenbau Vereinigung . Since the business basis was withdrawn in this way, EISLIEG dissolved on that date.

Business areas

The manufacturing spectrum of the companies involved concerned both standard gauge and narrow gauge and light rail products in the following areas:

  • Wagon construction, all types of freight and passenger wagons, both standard and special designs
  • Special wagon construction, all types of tank, refrigerator and pot wagons, self-unloaders and large-capacity freight wagons
  • Railcar construction
  • electric locomotives
  • Trams / subways


  • Hoff: The German railway system of the present . Reimar Hobbing, Berlin 1923.
  • Wolfgang Theurich: 150 years of wagon building in Görlitz . EK Verlag, Freiburg 1999.
  • Reich Ministry of Transport: 100 years of German railways . Transport Science Teaching Aid Society , Leipzig 1938.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Wilhelm Hoff (Ed.): The German Railway System of the Present / Hobbing Verlag, Berlin / Edition 1923, Volume II
  2. 100 Years of German Railways , 1938, page 503
  3. a b Wolfgang Theurich: 150 years of wagon building Görlitz. 1999