Electronic Business Registry Information Model

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Electronic Business Registry Information Model , ebRIM for short , is an application of ebXML . This is an XML -based model for registration services that specifies the ISO standard ISO 19135 and at the same time goes beyond it. ebRIM itself is a standard of the OASIS ( Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards ) and standardized as ISO / TS 15000-3 ' Electronic business eXtensible Markup Language (ebXML) - Part 3: Registry information model specification (ebRIM)' . The ISO standard corresponds to version 2.0 of OASIS.

ebRIM is now available in version 3.0 from OASIS.

The working group of the surveying administrations of the federal states of the Federal Republic of Germany intends to introduce corresponding services, e.g. for coordinate reference systems , as part of the introduction of the AFIS-ALKIS-ATKIS model and a spatial data infrastructure for Germany .

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