Elimination order

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An elimination order enables a certain variable to be removed from a system of equations. In the case of ideals in particular , it can be interesting to be able to calculate the intersection with some of the variables.


Be . A monomial order on the polynomial ring is fine for elimination if the following applies: . The leading term refers to the monomial order .


  • The lexicographical order is an elimination order for all subsets .
  • Block orders can also be used well as elimination orders .

Elimination rate

Let an order of elimination for , an ideal, and a Gröbner basis of . Then: is Gröbner basis of .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Sophia Feil: Gröbner bases and regularity. (PDF) Retrieved July 31, 2019 .
  2. ^ Sophia Feil: Gröbner bases and regularity. (PDF) Retrieved July 31, 2019 .