Encoded Archival Context

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Encoded Archival Context - Corporate bodies, Persons, and Families ( EAC-CPF or EAC for short ) is a standard for an XML structure for coding meta-information about the origin ( provenance ) and history of use of archived material . The standard is a machine-readable implementation of the ISAAR (CPF) development standard . Can be recorded e.g. B. metadata about the producer of records, the issuing authority or previous owner, the circumstances of the inventory, but also information about relationships between the material handed down in the inventory and real people, organizations or companies. EAC-CPF is being developed in addition to the Encoded Archival Description (EAD) by the Society of American Archivists in cooperation with the Berlin State Library (SBPK). An analogous standard for the implementation of the ISDF cataloging standard for describing the functions and activities of actors that create documents has been in development since 2015.

EAC has been defined as an XML schema and RELAX NG schema since 2009 , before that there was a draft as a DTD for XML and SGML since 2005 .

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