Encyclopædia Universalis

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The Encyclopædia Universalis is a universal encyclopedia in French that is published by Société d'édition Encyclopædia Universalis SA , a joint establishment of the Club français du livre and the Encyclopædia Britannica Inc. in 1966 .

It is created and maintained by around 7,000 authors, and its current edition comprises around 30,000 articles in 28 volumes with a total of around 32,000 pages. The editors see the Encyclopædia Universalis in the tradition of the encyclopaedic work of Denis Diderot and Jean Baptiste le Rond d'Alembert , in particular their Encyclopédie ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers , which appeared in the 18th century .

The project was started in 1964 by Claude Grégory . The first edition appeared from 1968 to 1975 in 20 volumes, which were followed by two supplementary volumes in 1980 and 1985. Two further editions appeared in the 1980s, the second from 1984 to 1985 with a volume of 22 volumes and a supplementary volume (1990) and the third from 1988 to 1989 in 24 volumes and a supplementary volume (1996). The third edition contained three index volumes for the first time . With the 1995 edition, the volume increased again to 28 volumes, including four index volumes and two supplementary volumes published in 1999. The fifth edition from 2002 also consisted of 28 volumes, including four index volumes, and was reprinted in 2006. In addition, multimedia editions have been published on DVD as well as a ten-volume edition for children and young people under the title Universalis Junior .

At the end of 2014 the "Encyclopædia Universalis" was in bankruptcy proceedings. In 2019, the pages can be accessed unchanged, either for subscribers or non-subscribers, whereby the pages differ due to the break.

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