final check

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Final inspection ( English Production Line Testing , PLT ) is the work step in the production process of companies that is used in particular for industrial mass products , but also for the delivery of agricultural products and in principle for all manufacturing processes, in order to ensure the product quality before delivery to the dealer or Protect consumers . The final inspection is naturally the last step in the production process and is intended to prevent incorrect production from reaching the market.

In most cases, no machine can be used for the final inspection, as the possibilities for quality reduction are too diverse. Therefore, a person checks the finished product through visual inspection or special examinations.

A product that does not pass the final inspection is normally not allowed to be shipped. It is either returned to the production cycle at a suitable point or discarded. Sometimes it can also be given at a reduced price as a faulty copy.

The final inspection also plays a major role in food production , as a company can suffer great damage when spoiled or unsightly products are delivered to the end user.