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The endodyogeny is a form of daughter cell formation in coccidia . First, the DNA is replicated in the nucleus of the mother cell. Two daughter cells form around this nucleus, which divide the nucleus and then pinch off from each other. In this way, two daughter cells are created from one mother cell. This relatively simple form of asexual reproduction occurs in the Apicomplexa strain , e.g. B. in Toxoplasma gondii .

The process of endopolygeny follows the pattern of endodyogeny, but does not lead to the formation of only two, but presumably 32 daughter individuals. This process is to be understood as a modification of endodyogeny.


Georg von Samson-Himmelstjerna, Horst Zahner, Johannes Eckert, Peter Deplazes: Textbook of parasitology for veterinary medicine . Georg Thieme Verlag, 3rd edition 2012, ISBN 9783830412052 , p. 613.