Enel Distribuição São Paulo

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Enel Sao Paulo

legal form Sociedade Anônima
Public Company (Brazil)
Seat São Paulo Brazil
Website www.eneldistribuicaosp.com.br

Enel Distribuição São Paulo (Enel Distribution São Paulo) is a large Brazilian energy provider in the state of São Paulo . Eletropaulo is traded on the Brazilian Bovespa Stock Exchange.

The company has 7,355 employees, a concession area of ​​4,526 km² and supplies around 18 million residents with electrical energy. It operates a pipeline network of around 1,800 km and generates 43,000 GWh. This gives the company a market share of 33.3% in the state of São Paulo and 9.3% in Brazil (as of 2017).


In 1899, a group of Canadian businessmen formed the São Paulo Railway, Light Power Company Limited , and in the same year it was approved in Brazil.

In 1904, this Canadian group founded The Rio de Janeiro Tramway, Light and Power Co. Ltda. Starting in 1923, the companies were owned by the holding company Brazilian Traction Light and Power Co. Ltd. controlled. The group was reorganized in 1956 using Brascan Limited as its base.

In 1979, with the help of Eletrobras, the Brazilian government acquired a stake in the so-called Light-Serviços de Eletricidade SA von Brascan.

In 1981 the company was handed over to the government of the state of São Paulo and changed its name to Eletropaulo - Electricidade de São Paulo SA

With the privatization program in 1995, Eletropaulo was restructured, resulting in four companies:

  • the sales company Eletropaulo Metropolitana - Eletricidade de São Paulo SA e EBE
  • the sales company Empresa Bandeirante de Energia SA
  • the transmission company EPTE - Empresa Paulista de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica SA (today's company name CTEEP)
  • the generation company EMAE - Empresa Metropolitana de Aguas e Energia SA

Individual evidence

  1. who-we-are. www.ri.eletropaulo.com.br, accessed August 15, 2018 .

Web links