Energia (platform)

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Basic data

Current  version 0101E0016
(July 8, 2015)
operating system platform independent
programming language C and C ++ (IDE: Java)
category Physical computing
License LGPL / GPL ( free software )

The Energia platform is one of software and hardware existing physical computing platform. The platform is related to the Arduino platform and differs from it in the hardware base used. Various variants of the Launchpad Eval boards from the manufacturer Texas Instruments with the processor architectures TI MSP430 and ARM Cortex-M4 can be used as hardware . Since the development environment is based on the Arduino platform, programs created for Arduino can easily be ported to the Energia platform. The hardware consists of simple I / O boards with a microcontrollerand analog and digital inputs and outputs. The development environment uses the programming language Processing , which is intended to facilitate access to programming and microcontrollers even for those who are not technically experienced. Energia can be used to control stand-alone interactive objects or to interact with software applications on computers.

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