Energy services

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The term energy services summarizes various services that pursue the goal of providing the client (companies or private individuals):

  1. To supply energy (energy supply company) or
  2. Enable cost and / or energy savings (usually energy consulting companies)

The energy services presented in this article refer to services performed by energy consulting companies. These services focus on the energy efficiency of energy-consuming systems. Clients are usually companies, not private individuals.

Energy efficiency advice

Energy efficiency advice is the first step in optimizing your company's energy efficiency and reducing your operating costs. Energy advice is funded by the federal government for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Funding advice

The federal government's energy concept includes a. propose to drive energy efficiency in companies. For many companies, investments in energy efficiency measures alone are not acceptable. The federal government has therefore implemented various funding programs and financial aids. Funding applications are only approved if the company is supported by an approved energy efficiency expert. Approved experts can be found in the energy efficiency expert list, which is maintained by the German Energy Agency.

Energy audit according to EDL-G

Since March 2015, all large companies are obliged to carry out an energy audit according to DIN EN 16247-1. Companies that already have an energy management system in accordance with ISO 50001 or an environmental management system in accordance with EMAS are exempt from this obligation.


According to Article 8 (4) of the EU Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27 / EU (EED), member states are obliged to ensure that companies that are not small or medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are subject to an energy audit. The implementation must either be carried out by qualified or accredited experts or, in accordance with national law, be carried out and monitored by independent authorities.

The purpose of Directive 2012/27 / EU is to create a common framework for measures to promote energy efficiency in the Union, to ensure that the overarching goal of increasing the Union's energy efficiency by 20 percent by 2020 is achieved, and further energy efficiency improvements prepare for the time after that.

The legal deadline for implementation expired in mid-2016. An examination by the responsible ministry (BAFA) is currently taking place on a random basis.

See also


  • P. Hennicke: Wa (h) re energy service. A competition concept for the energy efficiency and solar energy industry. Birkhäuser, Berlin 1999, ISBN 3-7643-6155-7 .
  • O. Wagner, K. Kristof: Energy-related services of municipal energy suppliers in a competitive environment. In: Gerhard Bosch et al. (Ed.): The future of services: their impact on work, the environment and quality of life. Campus-Verlag, Frankfurt am Main et al. 2002, ISBN 3-593-37160-X , pp. 422-453

Web links


Individual evidence

  1. Leaflet for energy audits.  Federal Office of Economics and Export Control BAFA, accessed on September 19, 2016.