English hospital renette

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English hospital renette
Cross section of Unknown, National Fruit Collection (acc. 1994-025) .jpg
Art Cultivated apple ( Malus domestica )
origin probably France
known since 19th century or earlier
List of apple varieties

English Spitalrenette is an apple variety , other names are Spital-Renette , Reinette des Hospitaux , Syke-House Russet and Mennoniten-Renette .


The variety probably came to England from France. German pomologists discovered it in the 19th century and mistakenly translated the name Reinette des Hospitaux (from England) into English Spitalrenette. According to other information in the Illustrirten Handbuch der Obstkunde of 1859, the name arose from the incorrect translation of the breeding site Sykehouse as Sicke-House in infirmary and thus ultimately hospital or hospital.


The tree is strong at the beginning, but only becomes medium-sized. The variety is suitable for all tree shapes, including trellises .


The fruits are small to medium-sized and flat-round. The peel of the apple is fine and a bit rough, sometimes a bit dark red on the sunny side, most of the peel is covered with a fine layer of rust. The flesh is yellowish white, with a good spicy, sweet wine taste. Ripening time is at the beginning of October, the fruit lasts until January.


  • Franz Lucas: The most valuable dessert apples. Stuttgart 1893.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. F. Jahn, Eduard Lucas, Johann George Konrad Oberdieck: Illustrated manual of fruit science. Volume 1, Verlag Ebner & Seubert, 1859, p. 155.