Epic Fail

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Epic Fail (Eng. Epic failure ) is an English-language term . It stands for “total failure” and describes an embarrassing mistake or a particularly bad case of failure. The term comes from the Internet scene and is often used as a hashtag or meme on social platforms, for example to mark videos that show a particularly dramatic or humorous failure.


In 2011, the term “Epic Fail” came second in the selection for “ Youth Word of the Year ” by Langenscheidt-Verlag.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Youth language - awesome was yesterday, long live the epic! FAZ online from October 17, 2012. Accessed December 17, 2014.
  2. Definition of terms on Definition- online.de.Retrieved on December 17, 2014
  3. Young people's language: Let the homework guttenbergen Spiegel online from December 5, 2011. Accessed on December 17, 2014.