Epidemics Act

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The Epidemics Act ( EpG for short ) is a federal act of the Swiss Confederation on combating communicable diseases in humans. In its current form, it was passed by the Federal Assembly on September 28, 2012 after it was viewed by the Federal Council on December 3, 2010. Due to the resulting optional referendum , the law was presented to the electorate. With a participation of almost 47% with a voting share of 60% the law was adopted. It has been in force since January 1, 2016. The total of 88 articles are divided into twelve chapters.


The old “Federal Law on Measures against Epidemics which are dangerous to the public” was in force from 1887 to 1974.

The idea of ​​the Epidemics Act (especially after the 2016 revision) is the rapid and unbureaucratic coordination of all infrastructures that can contribute to the goal of monitoring, preventing and fighting communicable diseases in humans. According to the EpG, the federal government can declare three levels with immediate effect: the “normal situation”, the “special situation” and the “extraordinary situation”. In the “extraordinary situation”, the Federal Council can, based on Article 185, Paragraph 3 of the Federal Constitution, issue emergency ordinances that have no basis in a federal law that is passed by parliament and submitted to an optional popular referendum. According to Art. 7d of the Government and Administrative Organization Act, these ordinances will expire if the Federal Council does not submit a draft federal law or a parliamentary emergency ordinance to parliament to replace the emergency ordinance of the Federal Council after six months at the latest.

Application during the COVID-19 pandemic

On Friday, February 28, 2020, the Federal Council expressed the “special situation” during a press conference. He banned public or private events that were attended by more than 1000 people at the same time. In the case of public or private events in which fewer than 1000 people take part, the organizers, together with the responsible cantonal authority, had to weigh up the risks as to whether they could hold the event or not. On Friday, March 13, 2020, physical lessons in schools were suspended until April 19.

On March 16, 2020, the Federal Council expressed the "extraordinary situation" during a press conference. At midnight, all shops that do not provide basic services are closed, as are restaurants, cinemas, theaters and swimming pools. Grocery stores, pharmacies, drug stores, petrol stations, pet caterers and the post office will remain open to ensure basic supplies for the population.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Federal Chancellery BK: EpG - Chronology. Retrieved March 25, 2020 .
  2. Federal Chancellery BK: referendum of 22.09.2013. Retrieved March 25, 2020 .
  3. SR 818.101 Federal Act of 28 September 2012 on Combating Communicable Diseases in Humans (Epidemics Act, EpG). Retrieved March 16, 2020 .
  4. 818.101.24 Ordinance on Measures to Fight the Coronavirus (COVID-19). Retrieved March 18, 2020 .
  5. 818.101.24 Ordinance 2 on measures to combat the coronavirus (COVID-19). Retrieved March 18, 2020 .