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In ancient Greece , the sub-commander or the second in command of the Spartan fleet was called Epistoleus ( Greek  Έπιστολεύς ).

He was thus the deputy of the Nauarchos (the commanding officer) and took over his post if the latter failed as a commander (e.g. due to illness or death in a battle). Occasionally the Epistoleus led the actual command, while the Nauarch only held the nominal supreme command (according to Lysander , who was no longer allowed to hold the office of Nauarch after the Battle of the Arginus ).

At the same time, Epistoleus was also responsible for correspondence and correspondence with the authorities at home.



Individual evidence

  1. Xenophon , Hellenika, 2, 1, 7.
  2. Xenophon, Hellenika , 1, 1, 23.