Erich Domke

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Erich Domke (no dates known) was a German resistance fighter against National Socialism . He was a member of the Red Strike Force .


Domke was a master craftsman for long-life stoves with his own workshop, sales rooms and office in Prenzlauer Allee 36 in Berlin. He made the premises available to Kurt Megelin and Richard Schröter from the Red Shock Troop for illegal purposes. After 1933, Domke's company is said to have produced the Red Shock Troop newspaper. In addition, Domke supported Kurt Megelin in particular by providing bogus employment, accommodation and alibis to the investigating authorities. Domke's resistance activity was apparently hidden from the National Socialists. After 1945 Domke was the headmaster of the industrial technical and vocational school of the furnace setter in Berlin.


  • Dennis Egginger-Gonzalez: The Red Shock Squad. An early left-wing socialist resistance group against National Socialism . Lukas Verlag, 2018, ISBN 978-3-86732-274-4 , pp. 400 .