Erich Eppich

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Erich Eppich (born November 25, 1884 in Berlin ; † unknown) was a German civil servant and member of the Danzig People's Day .


Eppich studied physics and electrical engineering, later political science in Berlin and Breslau . After his doctorate as Dr. phil. and having passed the state examination for the higher telegraph service, his professional positions took him to Oldenburg and Breslau. In 1913 he was appointed district supervisor in Danzig , in 1920 as post councilor and in 1922 as senior post councilor as well as department head for telegraphs, telephone and postal services.

From 1919 to at least 1927 he was chairman of the Gdansk Adult Education Center.


In 1921 he moved up for Fritz Wieler as a representative of the DDP in the 1st People's Day. He was regularly elected for the period of the 2nd People's Day (1923/1927).


  • Erich Eppich: The Philosophers Foundations of Political Economy , Ed .: Dr. Alfred Werner, Philosophical Series Volume 11 , Gebrüder Paetel Verlag, Berlin-Leipzig 1923


  • Danzig Citizens Register . Ed .: R. Franke, Danzig 1927, p. 40